¡Viva Argentina! – Prayer

I can’t express how thankful I am to have so many of you supporting me financially or through prayer. If you are still looking for specific ways to contribute, please consider partnering with me in prayer. The following prayer card is to give you ideas on how to pray for[Read more]

Quick & Cute Verse Packs

As the end of the semester approaches, my Wednesday night Bible study has come to an end. We’ve been digging into Ephesians, and I’ve loved learning from each girl’s varying perspectives. We’ve learned a lot, laughed a lot, and loved a lot! Let’s just say that we named our group[Read more]

¡Viva Argentina! – Language Prep

It seems as though it’s about time that I update you all on my preparations for Argentina. First of all, my team has officially purchased plane tickets! Yay! We will be flying out of Kansas City on May 31st and flying home on July 23rd. It’s really strange to think[Read more]

Can a Murderer Go to Heaven?

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:25-26 “What! So you are saying that a murderer can go to[Read more]

Project Bookshelf – Time to pack!

So it may just be the stage of life I’m in, but I always seem to be moving. Since starting college in 2009, I’ve moved somewhere around 8 or 9 times (including in and out of the dorms at the beginning/ends of years). I have one semester of college of[Read more]

First Family Afghan

It is amazing how procrastination finds its way into all parts of my life. Not only do I procrastinate with my school work, but also with my household plans. I put off doing dishes (like this very moment) and I tell myself I will finish my project later. Recently I[Read more]

¡Viva Argentina! – Funding Breakdown

Thank you to everyone who took the time to read my post last week about the mission opportunity that I have to work with a collegiate ministry in Argentina! Our team of 10 will be serving The Navigators’ ministry in La Plata from May 31st to July 24th.  In order[Read more]

On the Road Again!

It seems that I just can’t stay in one place for very long… today I’m on the road to Lincoln to visit two of my teammates from JAX-STP. Rachel and Ellen are just 2 of my 4 teammates from this summer, and although I was blessed with visiting both of[Read more]