How to Knit a Ladder Scarf – Easy!

Scarves, scarves, scarves can we ever have enough scarves? Here in Nebraska we love scarves.  They are not only beautiful but functional.  What I love about the Ladder Scarf pattern is that it is easy and you can knit it in a soft, cuddly merino wool to keep away the[Read more]

Need a Quick Man Gift? Pattern Review

What does winter in Nebraska bring?  Yes – snow and ice.  And what do all Nebraskans have in their winter wardrobes?  Hats!  Yes,  we all need hats to keep our heads and ears warm from the cold. Today I am going to share an easy knitted hat pattern you can[Read more]

Fearless about Firsts – My First Knit Socks

Though I’ve been knitting for 10+ years now, there are still many stitches, techniques, and projects I have yet to try. Only in the past 5 years have I started to place more value on the craft of knitting and crocheting and trying to improve my skills and learn more.[Read more]

How to Make a Wedding Guestbook Quilt

I had never heard of a “guestbook” quilt prior to Courtney’s engagement.  She, however, had been scouring the internet for ideas. She didn’t want the typical, traditional guestbook – who would, right?!  With a smirk on my face I wasn’t surprised. Creativity was built into the genes of my girls. With[Read more]

New Yarn Stash Buster – Infinity Scarf

Well, in case you were wondering, my stash of yarn still exists! It’s slowly dwindling, but with every new project I take on there’s always that awkward half skein left over. And that’s exactly how I acquired the yarn I used in this project! I originally used this yarn to whip[Read more]

Manly Scarf Just in Time for Autumn Knitting

Ever since I first learned how to knit, scarves have been my go-to project. They’re pretty straight forward to make, have a purpose, and are fun to wear or give away! Though I’ve definitely made more scarves than I have fingers on my hands, I can honestly say that I’ve[Read more]

How to Create the Perfect Mitered Corner Every Time

Autumnal weather is upon us sporadically in Nebraska. I’m gearing up for my favorite season with its crisp cool air, warm sunshine, changing colors, and rich foods. I made a really simple and quick table runner to dress the table for the season. [Tweet “A really simple and quick table[Read more]

How to Make Awesome Pillow Covers

Pillows, Pillows, Pillows…don’t you just love pillows!   Pillows are great for that pop of color to brighten the room. They are perfect to finish the “look” and if you have several, you can lounge in them and take a little nap.  Are you interested in learning how to make awesome pillow[Read more]