DIY Stenciled Canisters

As my husband and I continue to settle into our apartment, I keep finding more small projects to do. For today, I finally finished my dry ingredient canisters. You can find the “cracker jars” at Walmart. I think they are very functional and look great! For now, I only needed[Read more]

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

For a little family friendly summer fun we ventured out to a Minor League Baseball Game in Lincoln. The evening we attended they were playing a double header at Haymarket Park which is home to the Lincoln Saltdogs.  Two games and twice the fun! The weather was perfect! Our tickets[Read more]

We all Scream for Ice Cream

Dessert has always been a staple in my life.  Growing up we always had dessert for dinner and supper.  Yes I said dinner for the 12:00 noon meal – a whole other topic that I will not discuss today.  Typically we had cake, pie and/or ice cream after the meal.[Read more]

¡Viva Argentina! – Overwhelmed by the new, reminded of the old

I sat down to write this post almost 2 weeks ago, but besides deciding a general topic to write about, I’ve gotten nowhere. Things in Argentina seem to fly by quickly and slowly at the same time. Although I can hardly believe we have been here for a month already,[Read more]

Just a Swingin’ on My Porch

How many of you remember the song “Just a Swingin” by John Anderson – 1983?  This used to be a favorite of Rick (my husband) and myself.  Yes crazy!  Click the link above to enjoy the video in the comfort of your own home. What could be better than swingin’[Read more]

Menu Monday: Quick and Easy

Have you ever had the kind of day that when you get home, you have no motivation to do anything? I have those several times a week! I can barely get myself to cook. I have learned that meal planning does help somewhat in keeping me on track and feeding[Read more]

DIY Wedding Shadow Box

Shortly after we got married I wanted to preserve and display many treasured items from our wedding day. After working so hard to plan a memorable day, I didn’t want those items to get packed away in a box only to be rediscovered years later while cleaning out old stuff.[Read more]

Recipe Review: Fettuccine alla Carbonara

I have had this recipe on my menu planner for a couple of weeks now. Lately I have just been picking 3 dinner recipes per week with 2-3 days of leftovers and 1-2 super quick meals. I feel like just three cooked meals wouldn’t be that difficult to accomplish, but[Read more]