Recipe Review: Beef Noodle Casserole

I found this recipe in a casserole cookbook magazine that I found in my stocking from Santa. I have also located it online here at Taste of Home. Casseroles are really so nice when you’ve got a busy schedule and just need something to throw together quickly. You’ll notice this[Read more]

Weekly Menu Printable – Household Binder Part 2

One of the hardest tasks I found as a newly married gal was planning meals! What exactly should we eat? Through trial and error I have found that the week runs more smoothly, we save more money, and eat better if I plan each meal. I share with you what[Read more]

Menu Monday 1.7.13

This week both the hubby and I start back up at school after a long and busy break – so for meals this week I wanted to rely on some tried and true recipes and favorites so I don’t have to work too hard fixing meals and can get back[Read more]

Goodies for Christmas Holiday Party

Christmas like all other holidays gives us an excuse to practice hospitality.  Here is a menu for Rick’s office party. Jalapeño Jelly Cream Cheese Spread and crackers “Dilly”icious Gourmet Dill Dip and vegetable tray 7-Layer Mexican Dip and tortilla chips Peanut Butter Crispy Balls Peanut Brittle Molasses Sugar Cookies Chocolate covered[Read more]

Recipe: Grandma B’s Creamy Vegetable Soup

Jake and I had a old family favorite tonight for supper. This is a recipe that I snatched from his Grandma. When we got married, I wanted to be able to make some of his favorites. This is an easy recipe to replicate. It’s also great because it makes a[Read more]

Mega Monster Cookies

Cold weather always bring upon the urge to bake. I was looking through one of my many cook books and ran across a recipe for Monster Cookies. I have never made them before and thought I would give it a whirl, knowing how good the cookies can be. We are[Read more]

What does Scones and Prom have in common?

This post is dedicated to my good friend and young mother, Amy Minshull.  Enjoy Amy!  Also there are so many scone recipes out there.  The key is…experiment. Today is Prom!  Today’s breakfast menu – Scones.  Yes “today” is what scones and Prom have in common.  I made the scones this[Read more]


Oh dear, it has been awhile.  I have decided that it is very difficult to write these if I am uninspired! Plus, these last two weeks have been crazy busy with school.  Today, I have finally been inspired to write again.  Maybe it has something to do with the start[Read more]