Taco Seasoning Mix

We love Mexican food! It finds it’s way onto our weekly menu at probably every week. I got tired of buying a packet of Taco Seasoning Mix every time I went to the grocery store. I wince when I think about buying those packets for between 50 cents and a[Read more]

Recipe: Sweet Potato Hash

Although they taste too sweet to be healthy or have any nutritional value, sweet potatoes are actually a great addition to your diet. Beta Carotene: sweet potatoes are a great source of beta carotene which your body turns into Vitamin A and uses for night vision and bone development Fiber:[Read more]

Menu Monday: Easter Dinner

When I put together a holiday menu I think of several things. Are there any traditions to include What did we have last year What can I do to make it special and yummy OK, we don’t have any “traditions” for Easter dinner that I have to include, I don’t[Read more]

Freezer Meal: Tasty Crock-pot Ribs

After a long day at school, the last thing I want to do is cook. Unfortunately, one of the first questions I’ll likely hear from my husband is “What’s for supper?” Freezer meals have become one of my “quick fixes” to serving a great meal with little effort on my[Read more]

Catered by the Men

This weekend we had our first Grace Elizabeth’s planning meeting. Saturday was full of brainstorming and decision making. You may notice we changed our look (one of the many outcomes of our meeting). Because the four women were hard at work, the two men lucky enough to be around (our[Read more]

Birthday Cheesecake

At this point in my life I have decided birthdays are just another day. No need for much celebration. However, I’m all for the cake. No need for gifts. Just a special meal or cake is fine by me. Luckily I married someone with similar ideas. Nathan doesn’t need a[Read more]

Spaghetti Frittata: Breakfast or Supper

Do you like to impress your guest with fabulous breakfasts?  I love to make breakfast for guest.  And my family loves it because it gives them a break from having cereal and I love it because it is a great way to use leftover spaghetti. I have been making this[Read more]

Super Bowl: Are You Ready for Some Football?

Are you ready for some Football?  We always have a Super Bowl party with fiends and family. My favorite part is the food, fellowship and commercials.  I always try to make sure I know the teams playing before people arrive just not to embarrass myself when they start talking about[Read more]