Goodies for Christmas Holiday Party

Christmas like all other holidays gives us an excuse to practice hospitality.  Here is a menu for Rick’s office party. Jalapeño Jelly Cream Cheese Spread and crackers “Dilly”icious Gourmet Dill Dip and vegetable tray 7-Layer Mexican Dip and tortilla chips Peanut Butter Crispy Balls Peanut Brittle Molasses Sugar Cookies Chocolate covered[Read more]

Christmas is Less than a Week Away!

Now that we are down to the final days, it is time to get all that present wrapping done! I spent the day wrapping the presents I have for others as well as my parents’ gifts for the family. (I have known what almost everyone in my family is receiving[Read more]

Deck the Halls

It’s halfway through December, and it’s official…this girl is in the Christmas spirit! This week at school – as most of my classes are working on finishing projects – we listened to a lot of Christmas music. There’s really nothing better to brighten your day! We have all our Christmas[Read more]

Tragedy in Connecticut

A heartfelt sorrow goes out to all the families and friends of loved ones killed in the tragic shooting in Newton, Connecticut this morning.  I can’t even pretend to know the grief one feels under such horrific circumstances.  May God surround them with His love as they process the details[Read more]

Wedding Pillowcases

It is always such a joy to receive wedding invitations to friends or family weddings.  Marriage is such a blessed event.  I used to dread the task of looking for that special gift but no longer.  More often than not I now hand make embroidered, satin pillowcases for the bride[Read more]

Speech Meet Socks Finished

Don’t you love it when you finish a project?  Well I have finished my “Speech Meet” Socks.  I started these socks in January with the intention of working on them during down time at my daughter Mackenzie’s speech meets.  Well, she was often performing both sessions in each round so[Read more]

Booties on Display

I was so excited to get the request to make booties for a special dinner. No, they are not for eating. Kearney’s Collage Center (Crisis Pregnancy Center) will be using them as centerpieces on the tables during their fundraiser event.  Aren’t they so cute.              [Read more]

Charity Giving to the Collage Center

What does one do with all the leftover yarn from all the projects completed throughout the year. The girls and I decided to start making items to give away. We made hats, mittens, booties, scarves and even a granny square blanket. We gave some to friends and family and then[Read more]