The Need is Great

As I’ve been raising support these past few months, a common question that I’m asked is “What is your need?” Most people who ask that question want to know my financial needs. While it is true that I am in need of financial support during my next two years of[Read more]

My Call to Ministry

Many of you may already know my story of God’s calling. Or maybe you have heard only pieces of it. I’d like to be able to share with you a clearer picture of what God has done in my life in recent years to call me to full-time ministry for[Read more]

The Next Step…

As I introduced to you all back in November, there are big changes occurring in my life. Since I last blogged, I have officially interviewed and  been accepted for EDGE Corps with The Navigators at the University of Nebraska – Kearney, and I have begun training and raising support. The EDGE Corps[Read more]

Can We Reduce the Divorce Rate? – National Marriage Week 2014

I admit, National Marriage Week (February 7-14) has not been on my radar until this year.  No, I didn’t even know it existed.  Where have I been?  National Marriage Week was adopted in the U.S. in 2002 – six years after its birth in the UK in 1996. Rick and[Read more]

Family Favorites Menu

Every week I make a menu in which detail what I am planning to serve for supper each night of the week. I started doing this last year as a part of my household binder. I enjoy doing it and it makes my life so much easier. I don’t have[Read more]