In the Spirit of Valentine’s Day

As many of you know, I have been married just under 2 months. Earlier this week I got a sweet surprise in the mailbox. Pictures! Nathan and I were so excited to look at them that we quickly flipped through before he had to leave for work. We took more[Read more]

3D Embroidered Monogram

When I was looking for gifts to make for my family this Christmas, I came across this idea to make a monogram on canvas using embroidery thread. I thought the 3D look would be pretty cool, but I never realized how long it would take me to make three of[Read more]

Christmas Crafting

~”Oh the weather outside is frightful but craft time is so delightful!”~ When we are not preparing the holiday meals, us Nelsen’s enjoy some crafting during Christmastime. This year Alex brought some beadwork with her so that we could all make bracelets together.  Initially, we thought we would just be[Read more]

Happy Birthday, Justin!

As I have mentioned before, my roommate’s son is turning the big “1” today! It has been amazing to see him change over the past year.  I have loved watching him grow up under my nose during the last six months that I have lived with him.  He has truly[Read more]

Rockin’ the Side “Pony”

In honor of my father on this blessed day I will be “Rockin’ the Side Ponytail.” Although I will not get to spend time with him today, I am honoring him with my hair-do.  Growing up with three daughters, my father spent a fair share of time playing hairdresser.  To[Read more]

The Roomie

Just when I thought my room was complete last week, I discovered the one thing it was missing… a ROOMIE! Just kidding! I don’t think my room needs an extra body, but to my “pleasant” surprise Alex has temporarily moved in.  She is working with me at the Children’s Museum[Read more]

Sorority Girl: Craft Time with Courtney

Now don’t deny that when you hear the words “sorority” and “girl” in the same sentence that images from Legally Blonde and Sydney White pop into your head!  Well I hate to break it to you all, but once again not everything that happens in the movies happens in real[Read more]

I’m a Big Girl Now!

Renting your first apartment is one of those milestones in life.  I have just recently had the opportunity to check this milestone off my list as I signed the lease to my first apartment.  Let me just tell you that with that pen in my hand I truly felt like[Read more]