We have been “Flushed”

Yes, we have officially been “Flushed.”  As we woke up this morning a beautiful purple spotted toilet adorned our lawn.  Now in order to have this lovely lawn ornament removed I had to call a number, say that we had been “Flushed” and request the removal to another unsuspecting home[Read more]

Wedded Bliss

The festivities are over and the wedding bells have quieted their ringing . I’ve officially been married for 10 days! We are back from our short but sweet honeymoon and settling into our new apartment in Lincoln. School activities are underway and we are coming off that “honeymoon high” and[Read more]

Happy Birthday, Justin!

As I have mentioned before, my roommate’s son is turning the big “1” today! It has been amazing to see him change over the past year.  I have loved watching him grow up under my nose during the last six months that I have lived with him.  He has truly[Read more]

Rockin’ the Side “Pony”

In honor of my father on this blessed day I will be “Rockin’ the Side Ponytail.” Although I will not get to spend time with him today, I am honoring him with my hair-do.  Growing up with three daughters, my father spent a fair share of time playing hairdresser.  To[Read more]

Summer “To-dos”

Just as the summer seems to finally be under way, my summer is only just beginning! This week is only the second week I have been out of summer class, and I have finally developed a daily rhythm.  Wake-up, eat breakfast, exercise, shower, get ready for work, tidy the apartment,[Read more]

Back to Reality

After a long and lovely I-80 experience on Friday morning, I made it safely to Omaha. A trip to the zoo, a visit to a friend’s sister in the hospital, and we were set to attend Wicked at the Orpheum. We spiffed up in our Sunday’s best and walked the[Read more]

Summer has Arrived!

After what seemed to be the longest year of school ever… I’m finally out! At 11:15 on Tuesday morning I walked out of Minden High a senior. With my entire summer ahead of me I am pretty excited. No I may not have a job or a hobby to keep[Read more]