Just as the summer seems to finally be under way, my summer is only just beginning! This week is only the second week I have been out of summer class, and I have finally developed a daily rhythm. Wake-up, eat breakfast, exercise, shower, get ready for work, tidy the apartment, grab lunch, work, fix supper, play with the roommate’s kiddo, go to bed. Not too thrilling, but it works! The biggest problem with this routine is that I feel I’m not accomplishing much besides the bare minimum. This dilemma calls for… A LIST! It is that time of year for a summer to-do list! Don’t even try to claim that you don’t have one of your own. My list usually consists of air conditioner spring check up and other home projects that need to be accomplished. It is advised to schedule a gainesville ac repair service before summer to make sure that your cooling system will be working properly. The services offered by companies like RC Air Conditioning my also help improve the energy efficiency of your air conditioning unit. This summer’s list is going to be short and practical to begin with. I also have some craft projects that I have procrastinated on, and I simply need to sit down and finish them. And if you decide to take your fitness more seriously this summer, you may consider taking protein supplements. Read online articles to learn how much protein needed per day to achieve your fitness goals.
Here is my current summer to-do list:
*Make Justin’s Birthday present. (Little Justin’s first birthday is next Friday and I need to start sewing his present… stay tuned for more info about this surprise.)
*Replace zipper on Heather R’s dress. (I have promised to fix this dress for my friend for over a year.)
*Hem and finish Heather M’s dress. (I started making this dress at the end of last summer. It has been sitting in my closet ever since because I need Heather to try it on before I hem it.)
*Start and finish pink knit dress for myself. (I have this terrible habit of only making things for friends and family. I spend a lot of time and effort into making these gifts for others that I do not have the energy to ever make anything for myself to enjoy. I bought this fabric at the end of last summer and need to finish this project for myself for once!)
Once I finish these projects we will have to see how much of the summer is left and maybe I will tack on a couple of new tasks 🙂
~Courtney Rose~

Courtney is a member of the GE Creative Team and is the monkey in the middle of this trio of sisters. Her degree might be in English and Spanish Education, but she’s following God’s call on her life and pursuing full time ministry with The Navigators. If she’s not crafting, reading, or hanging with her hubby, you’ll probably find her at a local coffee shop sipping her caramel latte and opening up the Bible with college women.