Do you spend time dreaming of creative projects but never remember what they are when you have a little time to play? Or, do you write down ideas and details on random pieces of paper and when it comes to needing that piece of paper you can’t locate it? This Free – Project Worksheet has been a life savor for me. Ok – maybe that smart phone is your piece of paper. I’ve tried that too. I have so many apps and fun things on there, either I can’t find the idea I saved or I get distracted and realize an hour later that I started a search but don’t remember what I was searching for. LOL.

I designed this very simple project worksheet so I could jot down ideas and some details for future projects. I often draw and that’s not so easy on a smart phone therefore – paper is my jam. Once I gather a little info on my worksheet I put it into a pretty 3 ring binder labeled “My Next Project” for safe keeping. When I’m ready to create I can go to my Project Binder, review my inspirational collection, decide my next project and pull out the worksheet and get going. My worksheet then becomes my designing worksheet and I add details I need to complete the project. If I actually start the project, the worksheet stays with the project. If not, I have a section in my binder for pre-WIPs (work-in-progress).
I am offering this simple Project Worksheet to you free and hope you find it useful.
Keep Creating!

Entrepreneurship flows in Sonya’s blood. Some businesses include an artistic rubber stamp manufacturing business, opening and running a bed & breakfast, having a fabric and yarn shop, and currently growing her professional longarm quilting business. As a serial entrepreneur, she loves to mentor and coach small businesses. She misses farm life, loves to travel, and enjoys her husband, children, their spouses, and of course the grandkids.
Do you put this in a regular size 3 ring binder, or do you have a special size that you use, for projects?
Hi Cathy – Yes, I use a basic 3-ring binder! So Simple. Of course I like color so I use a binder with colorful stripes. Hope this printable is useful for you.