– Watching Tula on the market floor is like watching little kids playing soccer. You know the game…kick the ball and all the players on the field, except the goalie hopefully, runs to the ball trying to kick it in any direction. Yes, even toward the wrong goal. We’ve all seen “bunch ball” at a kid’s soccer ball game.
Likewise, wherever Tula Pink is on the market floor there is a swarm of people. Oh, they aren’t trying to kick her like a soccer ball. I believe she would kick back – wink. No, everyone is listening for her next burst of creative humor laced with industry wisdom.

The day before Quilt Market began, I had the opportunity for the first time to be in the audience of Tula’s schoolhouse session. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I had attended several other schoolhouse sessions during the day and this was to be my last one. We were all exhausted from the day’s events but Tula exuded enthusiasm and inspiration. She introduced her new collection Monkey Wrench. True to form, Tula proceeded to speak in her witty way describing whimsical things and how she placed monkeys with precision on the fabric to avoid the misfortune of having monkey butts show up everywhere on our quilts, “as cute as they are” she mused.

We are excited to announce that Grace Elizabeth’s has made our first order for Tula Pink fabric. Monkey Wrench will be shipping to stores in September. I know, that seems like a long way away. We decided to list this beautiful fabric on our website as pre-order if you want to get a jump on things before it is all sold out. Otherwise you can take your chances in September and that’s ok too. We just wanted to let you know what is to come.