For a little family friendly summer fun we ventured out to a Minor League Baseball Game in Lincoln. The evening we attended they were playing a double header at Haymarket Park which is home to the Lincoln Saltdogs. Two games and twice the fun! After the excitement of the game, you can keep the fun going by trying your luck with link slot games.
The weather was perfect! Our tickets were in left field – even though I thought it would be fun to sit on “the berm.” We had one close call with a pop fly foul ball where I didn’t know whether to cover my head or reach out to catch the ball!
The atmosphere of the ball park was my favorite part. The organ songs, hotdog shooter, and “leeee-mo-nade!” Not to mention the second game was a no-hitter for 5 1/2 innings. About that time Mackenzie and I got up to walk around the outfield. Dad’s baseball superstition led him to believe our moving could have been the reason for the home run hit to end the no-hitter.
In any case, we had a really fun time at the baseball game. Does your family have any favorite summer past times? For some added excitement, you can also enjoy thrilling entertainment on a 카지노사이트.
xoxo, Alexandrea Nicole
Alex is a member of the GE Creative Team and is the eldest daughter within the trio. Her formal training is in education where she teaches Family & Consumer Science classes. The best part of teaching is and getting to use her passion for creativity everyday. Some of her favorites include sewing clothing, quilting, and scrapbooking.