¡Viva Argentina! – Overwhelmed by the new, reminded of the old

I sat down to write this post almost 2 weeks ago, but besides deciding a general topic to write about, I’ve gotten nowhere. Things in Argentina seem to fly by quickly and slowly at the same time. Although I can hardly believe we have been here for a month already,[Read more]

Menu Monday: Quick and Easy

Have you ever had the kind of day that when you get home, you have no motivation to do anything? I have those several times a week! I can barely get myself to cook. I have learned that meal planning does help somewhat in keeping me on track and feeding[Read more]

Recipe Review: Fettuccine alla Carbonara

I have had this recipe on my menu planner for a couple of weeks now. Lately I have just been picking 3 dinner recipes per week with 2-3 days of leftovers and 1-2 super quick meals. I feel like just three cooked meals wouldn’t be that difficult to accomplish, but[Read more]

Mud Boots and Flowers

I finally feel like it is summer! I finished my first year of college the beginning of May, but then jumped right into two summer classes the following week. I have been done for two weeks now and I am FINALLY  getting into the summer groove. I know it has[Read more]

¡Viva Argentina! – Homestretch

It’s hard to think about the fact that in a little under 2 weeks I will be in Argentina. That’s right, time has flown by so quickly that I’m finally entering the homestretch of preparations – which is funny to consider because I by no means feel prepared for this.[Read more]

¡Viva Argentina! – Mate

Up to this point, school had kind of taken ahold of my life. Now that my finals are finished and Argentina is waiting for me at the end of the month, I’m ready to really spend some time studying the culture, practicing the language on a conversational basis and memorizing[Read more]

All moved out or all moved in?

I’m officially moved out of my apartment and into a storage unit! It only took two weekends, a total of 8 helpers, 6 cars/trucks and a whole lot of patience. I am very thankful for all the help I received, especially since the amount of book boxes I ended up[Read more]

¡Viva Argentina! – Seasons

For those of you who may not know their geography, Argentina is in the southern hemisphere which means only one thing to this girl – a second winter is in my future! That’s right, Argentina will actually be experiencing winter while I am there in June and July. You thought[Read more]