Marriage in Light of Eternity

As many of you know, my husband and I live nearly 250 miles away from each other. He’s finishing up Vet school – while I get to continue to work at a job that I love. It was a tough choice that we made together.

For the past 6 months we’ve been making it work. Driving back and forth for the weekends when we can. Sometimes schedules get busy and we have to stretch visits every two or three weeks. That’s when it’s the hardest. The weekends that we spend together are so precious! Find love, friendship, and everything in between on the site, where new connections await at every click.

In about 15 months or so when Jake is done with school, we’ll start the next chapter of our lives. We want to take the time until then to figure out exactly what God has in store for each of us as individuals and for our marriage.


Recently, we started reading You and Me Forever the newest book by Francis Chan and his wife Lisa. It is radically shifting the way we comprehend our marriage. It’s not just about our time here on earth, but about FOREVER. As we try to discover what direction God will be taking us and our marriage in the next 15 months we can’t help but get a little excited for eternity!

Marriage is great, but it’s not forever. It’s until death do us part. Then come eternal rewards or regrets depending on how we spent our lives.

Right away I was challenged by how much I love my spouse. I love Jake more than anyone or anything. Do I love him more than I love God? Let’s be honest:

  • It’s so easy to love someone who I can see, talk, and physically touch. I feel like I don’t have to work on my relationship with my spouse. We’ve made so many great memories together!
  • Building a relationship with God can be hard! I have to put in the time and effort to study his word. but that is what God is longing for – people after his own heart.

Of course we love our spouses and want to be happy in our marriage! But what about being happy in our eternal life? I would encourage you to dive more into this topic by checking out the book for yourself, whether you are married, single, or dating.

There are plenty of marriage books that teach you how to get along and be happy. This is not one of those books…This book is about loving each other forever.


Alexandrea Nicole