Have you ever had the kind of day that when you get home, you have no motivation to do anything? I have those several times a week! I can barely get myself to cook. I have learned that meal planning does help somewhat in keeping me on track and feeding Nathan and I.
Last week as I was searching for recipes to try I remembered my mom buying pork tenderloin pre-marinated. It seemed perfect for a night that I had no more motivation than to turn the oven on and stick a pan in. Of course, we couldn’t have only the tenderloin. I was craving broccoli and wanted to dress it up a bit. I found a super quick recipe in one of my Taste of Home annual cookbooks (2010 I believe).
Quick and Easy Menu:
Peppercorn Pork Tenderloin
Orange-Glazed Broccoli
The tenderloin took about 30 minutes to cook through, while the broccoli was finished in half that time. It was a true 30 minute meal!
Mackenzie Grace
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Mackenzie is a member of the GE Creative Team and is the youngest of the trio of sisters. As a recent graduate in Family Studies, she uses her degree as the wife of a youth pastor and mentors teen girls. She’s a Nebraska girl living through North Dakota winters mostly by crocheting and sipping chai tea.