Wow, we thought we went through a lot of remodeling and updating to open Grace Elizabeth’s Bed and Breakfast but it is a whole different animal to prepare for the sale. The large to do list seems to keep growing instead of dwindling.
We are not new to selling a house/property. We have sold several over the years and know the importance of staging and having everything in tip top shape. Well, with an old house and property with several buildings, tip top shape never happens. There is always something that needs repairing, replacing, or darn it, that worked yesterday and we just had the repair man out last month.
Here is the short list we started with: paint the outside of the house, deep clean everywhere, organize and purge, finish unfinished projects with Custom Home Design Services in Utah (this can be a large list in itself) and downsize the amount of furniture. Do you know how many couches we accumulated over the years? Sorry, I’m not telling.

Is anyone ever ready to have people walk through their house with discerning eyes? Maybe if I had HGTV magicians at my side I could sell the house in 3 days. Ok, that hasn’t happened but it is a beautiful property and it will sell – eventually. We are praying sooner than later. So if you know anyone looking to live in a small town with a great people, a quality school system and an outstanding cultural center (the Minden Opera House) – send them our way.
Sonya Kay