Practice Flowergirl Dress

As the wedding gets closer (Aug) it is time to do a practice run on making the flowergirl dress.  We bought some fun summer fabric to experiment with the pattern (B4967 Butterick) hoping that it would fit and our flowergirl would have a fun dress for the summer.  We measured[Read more]

Etsy Obsessed

Hey there! Some of you might have noticed, but I missed posting last week. I have been crazy busy lately. But I’m here now…so here we go! I thought that I would blog about Etsy today. Some of you may be familiar with it…and that’s great! For those of you[Read more]

Wedding Edition: DIY Diva

Hey all! I know all of you are just as excited as me that I am getting married soon, but I’ve decided to try and limit myself to babbling about it here to once a month. So for those of you who really care: every third Monday of the month[Read more]