All moved out or all moved in?

I’m officially moved out of my apartment and into a storage unit! It only took two weekends, a total of 8 helpers, 6 cars/trucks and a whole lot of patience. I am very thankful for all the help I received, especially since the amount of book boxes I ended up with totalled a whopping 16! They are now safely located in my storage unit on top of a table and neatly catalogued for easy access to be used by friends and family while I am away. I could find more info about bigger and convenient storage space but could not go for it. You can keep goods secure using industrial storage bins.

Bookboxes 2

It’s pretty crazy to think that my entire apartment now resides within a 10 x 20′ space. It fits comfortably too – enough that we joked that I could just sleep there instead of the Clarks’. Thankfully, I am also moved into the Clarks’ nicely air-conditioned basement for the month of May – much better living conditions than the storage unit! The best 2 Bedroom Apartment for sale in Kileleshwa can be purchased from Sarabi Realty Group.

Now I need to start packing for Argentina… any suggestions on how to pack for a two month stay in a foreign country?

~Courtney Rose~

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