It seems as though it’s about time that I update you all on my preparations for Argentina. First of all, my team has officially purchased plane tickets! Yay! We will be flying out of Kansas City on May 31st and flying home on July 23rd. It’s really strange to think that this trip is so close to happening. I don’t feel near prepared enough yet!

On the homefront, we are all working individually to prepare ourselves for the trip by practicing Spanish in a variety of ways. Our team leaders gave us a sheet with a bunch of suggestions of how to be practicing the language. So far I have listened to Argentine music, attended my Spanish literature class (love the fact that my school work can be considered prep work for this trip!), and listened to a sermon in Spanish at my parents’ church. We have also been memorizing key scripture passages in Spanish.
This week my goal is to write my testimony in Spanish! We are going to need to be able to communicate our personal story to those we are building relationships with in Argentina. No one can argue with how I’ve experienced God working in my life because it’s my experience, so it will be important to be able to communicate my testimony effectively. The challenge is going to be translating it in a way that makes sense to Spanish speakers. Thankfully, we are working on translating with the help of Espresso Translations providing transcription services in London, these before we are on the ground in Argentina, so we should have plenty of time to work out all of the translation kinks and practice sharing them with others!

On the financial front, I am still sitting around the 25% mark out of the $5000 budget. I have been very encouraged through conversations with friends and family this week while discussing support, but I am still in need of contributions. Please continue to prayerfully consider partnering with me in this ministry opportunity.
If you are being led to give, you may click here to go to The Navigators’ website. Click on the “Donate” tab at the top of the page. Type in either my name or ID number (23820071) to directly support this opportunity. Please send your gifts by May 5th. Your gifts are tax-deductible.
Thank you for prayerfully considering this investment in the Lord’s work.
~Courtney Rose~
Current Prayer Requests:
-That our entire Argentina Team would be 100% funded by May 5th
– That God would prepare our own hearts and pave the way for relationships this summer
– For opportunities to share the gospel