God never ceases to amaze me! He has answered my prayers and prepared a place for me on the missions team going to Argentina this summer! My mind still can’t get over the fact that I’M GOING TO ARGENTINA!
As a result, today is the day that a group of us Navs at UNK road trip to Kansas City for our missions trip orientation! There are 4 students who will be travelling with our Campus Directors to Japan this summer, so the 5 of us get to road trip to KC today. At this orientation we will meet our teams for the summer and learn more about what it means to serve Christ overseas. I can’t wait to meet all of my team members and super excited that a few of them were at JAX with me last summer. Please pray for our travels and that our hearts would be further opened to God’s heart for the nations during this orientation. Pray that we would begin to build unity with our teams and seek to glorify God through all we do.
~Courtney Rose~
To hear about how my journey began, check out my original blog post here!

Courtney is a member of the GE Creative Team and is the monkey in the middle of this trio of sisters. Her degree might be in English and Spanish Education, but she’s following God’s call on her life and pursuing full time ministry with The Navigators. If she’s not crafting, reading, or hanging with her hubby, you’ll probably find her at a local coffee shop sipping her caramel latte and opening up the Bible with college women.