Grace Elizabeth’s is a Christ-centered family collaboration of sharing ideas as well as life experiences with others. We bring our differing personalities and strengths together working toward a common goal, each utilizing her talents. It is our mosaic of interests and perspectives combined that allows us to create the greatest impact on those around us.
As a mother and trio of daughters, we collectively contribute to honor the memory of our grand/great-grandmother Grace Elizabeth. Through this group we hope to capture her faith in God, spunk for everyday living and generous hospitality.
Growing up during the depression and raising her siblings, Grace Elizabeth was frugal with her limited resources. However, these hardships did not stop her from being a hospitable hostess who loved the company of family and neighbors.
Her legacy lives on as we continue to look for new and different ways of living everyday.
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To find out more about each member of the Grace Elizabeth’s team, click on our pictures below: