It’s hard to think about the fact that in a little under 2 weeks I will be in Argentina. That’s right, time has flown by so quickly that I’m finally entering the homestretch of preparations – which is funny to consider because I by no means feel prepared for this. Sure, I have my passport, prior knowledge of the language and a packing list, but what about preparing my heart for what God has planned for us?
There is no way of knowing what’s in store for us in Argentina – that’s what is so exciting and nerve wracking! I’m excited because I know that God can do the impossible and nothing can limit Him, but I’m nervous because I keep doubting myself and my own usefulness to the team. Really if I think about it though, the first reason should make the second irrelevant. If our God can do all things, then He can use me to accomplish His works. I’m reminded of Philippians 4:13 which says
I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
I just need to keep going back to Christ for strength. I do not have to worry about this trip because I do not have to rely on myself, but God. And He will never fail me.
So as these final two weeks pass, I pray that God would continue to prepare my heart for the journey. I can’t imagine what He plans to teach me, but I know that my faith and trust in Him will be tested daily. I pray that my heart would be open to learning more of His truth and that I would rely solely on Christ for my strength.
Thank you everyone who has been a partner in this adventure thus far. I am very excited to announce that I am only $100 away from being fully funded! Praise the Lord! He has done amazing things through your generosity and prayer support that has allowed nearly $5,000 to be raised for this ministry opportunity.
I will have internet access while in Argentina, so I plan on updating you at least a few times while I’m there. I look forward to sharing with you what God is teaching me and how He uses our team in La Plata.
~Courtney Rose~
*I’d love some ideas of how I can best update you on my time in Argentina. Please comment below on what you are most interested in hearing about or what questions you would like answered!*
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