Week at a Glance Printable – Household Binder Part 1

If you know me personally, you probably know that I am absolutely obsessed with organizing things. I find there is something thrilling about putting things just so and giving them a sense of purpose. I find that daily life goes much more smoothly when everything has a place. All that is well – but what if you go into said place and what you are looking for isn’t where it should be. That would be what I’m not absolutely the greatest. Just ask my mom…when it comes to “put things back where you found them” or even “how you found them” I struggle. So in a few months I find myself reorganizing the things I already organized.

SO. In an attempt to start off the new school year on the right foot – and to help juggle school and home life (as I will be a first-year teacher this year), I have decided to make a household binder. I have seen these things on Pinterest and the blog universe for quiet some time now, but since I’m married and have a “household” I figured I would go ahead and give it a try.

To get started, I printed off monthly calendars for the next 12 months. In addition, I created a weekly write-in calendar where we can better keep track of appointments and goings on. Anything that pertains only Jake is written in blue, only me and purple, and family stuff is in orange.

I created this for myself, but thought others could benefit. Now it’s yours for the taking.

Printable Download

This will all be in one tabbed section of my household binder. How do you keep track of your family’s busy schedule?
