Spring’s Here!

Today marks the first official day of my Spring Break from teaching! Yesterday was gorgeous – sunny and almost 70! Today feels more spring-like. A cool crisp air with the dewy scent of rain. For the occasion, our front door has donned a new wreath. I created this in a[Read more]

april showers

Today I walked outside to damp sidewalks and spring’s fresh scent. Did I mention I LOVE this time of year? Now I’m sitting at work, windows open listening to the quiet padding of raindrops near the and the occasional grumble of thunder. I think this quote pretty much sums up[Read more]

Springing Forward

I missed posting again on Monday…shame on me! This week began a little rough with Daylight Savings and all, but I’ve finally caught up with myself. These past two weekends have been full of family, basketball (GO WHIPPETS!), and chores. Jake lives and works in the Animal Science building. Lately,[Read more]