Hand Knitted Dishcloth Gifts

I recall as a young wife and mother a wise woman advised me to always have ingredients on hand to be able to throw together a quick meal for the unexpected guest.  Over the years I have also learned to have a gift box full of things that could be[Read more]

Socks in Demand

Have you ever bought yarn for a project for yourself and then turn around and give it to someone else instead?  This is what happened to me during the holidays.  I had taken inventory of my sock drawer and decided that  some of my ready-made socks were nearing the end[Read more]

Hand Knitted Socks

I was asked not so long ago, “how many pairs of socks have you made?”  I honestly didn’t know the answer.  I started to knit again after putting my needles down for over a decade.  It was all prompted by the ice storm of Dec. 2006.  Our part of the[Read more]

Sorority Girl – Nifty Knit Scarf

More and more often these days, I am running into other college girls who knit! It is quite shocking to me because when I whipped out my knitting needles freshman year in the sorority house, everyone gave me a crazy look. Many were interested in learning, others commented on how[Read more]

The never ending project is finished!

You know those projects that you start, and then they never get finished? The ones that you set aside to do a new and more cool project, then when you finish that new project, you don’t have the energy or motivation to return to it? Well, if you don’t, I[Read more]

Booties on Display

I was so excited to get the request to make booties for a special dinner. No, they are not for eating. Kearney’s Collage Center (Crisis Pregnancy Center) will be using them as centerpieces on the tables during their fundraiser event.  Aren’t they so cute.              [Read more]

Charity Giving to the Collage Center

What does one do with all the leftover yarn from all the projects completed throughout the year. The girls and I decided to start making items to give away. We made hats, mittens, booties, scarves and even a granny square blanket. We gave some to friends and family and then[Read more]