We have been “Flushed”

We've been Flushed
We’ve been Flushed

Yes, we have officially been “Flushed.”  As we woke up this morning a beautiful purple spotted toilet adorned our lawn.  Now in order to have this lovely lawn ornament removed I had to call a number, say that we had been “Flushed” and request the removal to another unsuspecting home owner of my choosing.  This cost me $25.  $20 was to get someone to remove it and $5 to be assured that this lovely thing would not return to my yard.

Our local Teammates organization is using this as a fundraiser.  Teammates is a school-based, one-to-one mentoring program founded by Tom and Nancy Osborne in 1991 in an effort to provide support and encouragement to school aged youth. The goal of the program is to see youth graduate from high school and pursue post-secondary education. To reach this goal, youth meet one hour per week with a caring adult who serves as a mentor. Mentors are volunteers from the community who have dedicated themselves to making a difference in the life of a young person. Mentors give youth a sense of hope, purpose and vision.